Our Process

Your continuum of care must match your recovery process…Recovery is not a singular event; instead, it’s your future.

From “An Invitation to Life Extraordinary and Sober” 
by Peter Lotterhos

Mind Dynamics, Transforming the Future of Recovery is Outpatient Facility and Sober Club that takes a future-first approach to recovery from substance abuse and behavioral addiction. Our vision for recovery starts with our outpatient evidence-based PHP, IOP, and OP, along and family therapy.  Family work is essential for your recovery. Then, through our Sober Community, we create space for participants to build an inspiring future.  

Mind Dynamics moves beyond traditional recovery, as the individual in recovery can be sober yet depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or feeling dead inside, all of which can lead to relapse and dysfunction. Mind Dynamics focuses on what it takes to create life extraordinary and sober. We offer an unmatched continuum of care called Life Extraordinary Approach Process (LEAP).

  • LEAP into possibility
  • LEAP and the net will appear
  • LEAP to see what you are really made of

Through our Sober Club, we are able to build an experiential behavioral practice field for peer-to-peer interactions. Our experiential-based learning style creates space for participants to identify dysfunctional behaviors and execute empowering behaviors. We are not teaching concepts or ideas that hold little power; we are practicing behaviors that live into the future.  Real-world behaviors that empower individuals and families to:  Achieve, Inspire, and Co-Create.

  • Achieve:
    • Achieve in the face of adversity: conflict resolution, achieving grit and determination, finding purpose
  • Inspire:
    • Inspire others to perform through coaching-oriented communication. Learn how to speak and listen to drive possibility and inspiration vs. resentment and disconnection.
  • Co-Create:
    • Co-create means working together to achieve intended goals.
    • Families can learn how to build healthy family dynamics that drive success, establish goals, manage boundaries, and live together into a transformed future.