Level 2, Family Work

Family Work, Individual & Group Therapy

Mind Dynamics works with those who choose recovery and their families to create life extraordinary and sober. Our idea of Family Work builds a common language and platform for healing.  When families take on recovery individually, a disconnection is created that may sound like, “You have a problem. You need help.”  This disconnection can be a cause of relapse.

As Families learn how to work together to build an environment that drives inspiration, acceptance,  and security, sobriety and long-term recovery thrive.

Mind Dynamics argues that the environment that produces addiction is not interrupted by the traditional recovery process. If people who choose sobriety are returned to the exact circumstances in life that produced addictive behaviors, those behaviors will live in their future. The environment must change. 

People must learn how to consciously create an environment that establishes connection, renews relationships, and heals depression and anxiety. Such an environment empowers people to succeed in the face of adversity. Families can learn how to create an inspirational environment that facilitates the extraordinary, rather than simply managing addiction. 

The recovery world is very effective in its singular goal of establishing sobriety to keep people alive; however, it does not explore the creative act – the ability to dream and achieve. When such a possibility is overlooked, individuals and families are not taught how to create a functional and healthy environment that facilitates the type of connection that transforms the future of recovery. 

From  “An Invitation to Life Extraordinary and Sober”