The Nature of Your Programming

This clip talks about our programming, the nature of our programming.  As you watch this clip look for the nature of your programming and the new behaviors that empower you to transform your behavior.

Addiction Recovery

Choice is Yours

Be a Slave to your Recovery, live the rest of your Life from “I am broken/sick or learn how to create An Empowered Life. This is your Choice!

Issues with your Ego

Your ego or in TMD your Programming Name is a living entity and it is now who you are, not your empowered self.  This video clips helps you see the issues with your Ego, your Programming and how it operates to keep you blind from what is truly possible.  

Peter Lotterhos: Discovering Programming

  This video is about how we all are programmed and how we create certain results according to the programming of our brain. Your brain is programmed to operate in a certain way that create negative or positive results. Once you discover that programming, you can change the results. For instance, your dog doesn’t have … Read more