Issues with your Ego

Your ego or in TMD your Programming Name is a living entity and it is now who you are, not your empowered self.  This video clips helps you see the issues with your Ego, your Programming and how it operates to keep you blind from what is truly possible.  

Peter Lotterhos: Discovering Programming

  This video is about how we all are programmed and how we create certain results according to the programming of our brain. Your brain is programmed to operate in a certain way that create negative or positive results. Once you discover that programming, you can change the results. For instance, your dog doesn’t have … Read more

Peter Lotterhos: Safety vs Risks

This video will show you how our mind chooses safety over risks and what happens when you chose the other way around.

People usually do not participate in many things due to fear. In this video, you will see that people are not raising their hands to participate in the coaching conversation out of fear. It is a perfect example of how our human mind chose safety over risks. Thoughts like “What is going to happen, why I should be the first, let me first see what happens to the other people”, and many other thoughts restrict you from participating in many things.  Peter Lotterhos: When you chose risks, you experience aliveness, and that creates the whole new brain, which is directly proportional to a whole new reality.

Watch this video to know more about safety vs risks by Peter Lotterhos.

Nici shares why she wants everyone in the Basic Training Part II

She was depressed, drinking daily, used to blame everybody else, and couldn’t figure out how to get out of this. She was choosing abusive relationships and alcohol. “I am not worth it, I am not lovable” — Negative feelings.
Nici’s Note: What I got over the course of two and a half days was unbelievable. I had no idea what I was walking into. I am so powerful now and I want everybody in my life to experience it.

Nici shares why she wants everyone in the Basic Training Part II


Kelly brings to life his experience of the Basic Training

In this video Kelly shares his before and after experience of the basic training. He victimized himself “Why this is happening to me? Why this never happens with me? Why people are so mean in my life?” These questions are not so rare because a lot of people feel like victims, blame others for everything.

Well, it is always so easy to never take responsibilities. What you tell yourself every day will either lift you up or tear you down. When you blame others, you will suffer, but when you start constructing your life, you will learn both peace and joy. Watch this video to know more about his experience.



Judy talks about her experience participating in basic training program

About seven years ago, Judy’s life was upside down with many barriers. Today, she is confident and knows her worth. According to Judy, it is a huge cathartic change and now she is able to make decisions. Watch the video below:


The TMD™ Basic Training is built on three principles—a simple premise that creates powerful results for people committed to the TMD™ training systems:

  1. All human beings are “Programmed”— an adaptive way of behaving that drives safety.
  2. Your Programming is running your life.
  3. You can transform your Programming by being radically honest and fully accountable for your actions.

All human beings are Programmed to respond in particular ways that ensure survival. For example, you are Programmed to drive safely. Consider what happens when you think about driving your car off a cliff; you will begin to experience anxiety and fear, which will increase to the point where you will lose the ability to function if you continue towards the direction of danger. This is the nature of Programming, and Programming is necessary for survival. However, Programming is limited. It can only do what it is Programmed to do.

Click here to know more about TMD Life Coaching Basic Training: