Level 3, Community

Sober Community: Life Skills & LEAP 

Mind Dynamics is an outpatient clinic and sober community in Plainville, CT, that takes an educational approach to recovery from substance use disorder and behavioral addiction. Our Sober Community acts as a continuum of care for those looking for additional support. Mind Dynamics Sober Community is an educational process that we call LEAP: Life Extraordinary Approach Process.  Our approach extends to all persons of any age seeking sobriety, along with their family, friends, businesses, and churches—the entire community—that is committed to empowering long-term recovery.  Everyone is included.

Recovery is a journey, not a destination. A continuum of care must evolve with the recovery process, which introduces new challenges in each stage of recovery.  We have noticed that people who choose abstinence are often left without the necessary skills to succeed in life after a traditional recovery program has concluded. The recovery world is effective at establishing sobriety with its initial one-day-at-a-time methodology but offers little support with the more complex life challenges as people grow. People who choose recovery will struggle as they face challenges such as: 

  1. Now that I am sober, how do I love my children while managing healthy boundaries?
  2. How do I create a fulfilling relationship with my current life partner? 
  3. How do I inspire my family to choose love and connection?
  4. How do I access a career that produces financial freedom? 

Unfortunately, many people feel frustrated by the recovery process as they take on the challenge of creating their lives. The progressive nature of recovery necessitates an evolutionary continuum of care. The therapeutic process must evolve, matching the ever-changing internal and external landscapes of people in different stages of the recovery process.

From “An Invitation to Life Extraordinary and Sober”

LEAP: Life Extraordinary Approach Process consists of our Life Skills Seminar Series and our Empowerment Training. 

Life Skills Seminar Series

Mind Dynamics Life-Skill Seminars focus on conscious creation; we dive into how the individual has created their past/current results and can create an increased quality of life. Our seminars address the key components that comprise an inspired life: 

  1. self-care, 
  2. relationships,
  3. career,
  4. aliveness or mental and emotional health.

Each seminar explores how the current reality is created and how a new reality can be created. Our seminars are designed to be educational and supportive in nature for participants with substance use disorder and their families. They are a stepping stone into deeper work. If the participant does not meet our requirements, we will support them in creating a path that works.  The choice to participate is grounded in the person’s commitment to their personal transformation.  

Empowerment Training: Basic, Advanced, Adv-ES

LEAP Empowerment Training is deeper work for those who are ready to take on the next step in their Recovery.

The Empowerment Training starts with the Basic Training, which explores the possibility that those who choose recovery along with their family and peers all have an unlimited reserve of possibility: we can transform our limitations and build a life extraordinary and sober. This profound three-day experience introduces clients to their ego-driven self: the person inside who has created an environment that tolerates the destructive nature of substance use disorder. Through participation in Basic Training, clients learn how to transform their ego-driven self and become who they choose to be.

Advanced Training explores the possibility that exists out of taking a stand for transformation. While the Basic Training introduces clients to their ego-driven selves, the Advanced Training introduces a conversation, way of being, and process to bring personal transformation into the real world of life. Communication is the key, but our way of being is the source of our results. By taking a stand for transformation, clients come face to face with their ego-driven ways of being that are obsessed with being liked or admired. Clients will be inspired to truly examine the world that they have built for the people they love. Through full participation, clients learn how to communicate and create an environment that drives sobriety and life extraordinary.

Advanced Training Empowerment Series (Adv-ES) is a 90-day curriculum for graduates of Advanced Training. This behavioral practice field examines the amount of love, success, and connection that clients will allow into their lives. This training confronts the client’s capacity to consciously create their life and possibility is breathed into existence using the language: “I am raw potentiality, an unreasonable stand for transformation. I am not here to be liked or admired. Rather, I understand that I am dysfunctional, and I am committed to you and what is truly possible for human beings! Let’s connect! Is now a good time?” The Adv-ES inspires families, peer-to-peer leaders, and people who choose recovery to live their transformation in the face of adversity. Clients learn how to be with their ego-driven self while loving, accepting, and guiding it to build a life extraordinary and sober.