
Mikey Cat

I have been sober for over 7 years and wanted to be more effective in my life. I chose to participate in Mind Dynamics, Life Skill Seminar Series after I heard a few people talking about their positive results. I went into it looking for help managing my anger. I went in with an open mind–a positive attitude–but never thought it would actually work. I’ve struggled with my anger for a lifetime. I came to see that I created my anger, it wasn’t something that was happening to me. I feel free. It truly enhanced my own recovery, opening up new ideas and giving me a new perspective on life in general. I was also able to increase my love and connection with my wife. – Mikey Cat.

Katherine S

I was introduced to Mind Dynamics after five years of sobriety. I was depressed, lost, and stagnant. I had absolutely no lust for life. Through doing the work with Coach Pete this past year, I no longer feel depressed. I have experienced connection with others that I did not think was possible. I now see that I have chosen my reality and that it is my responsibility for how I show up for the people in my life. This work has saved my friendships, given me new ones, and significantly strengthened all of my relationships. It is a beautiful feeling to be acknowledged by the people I love who see a difference in me and are inspired by the work I am doing! – Katherine S.

Carly A

Through the training I received, I got to see my game of needing to be liked and how that game has caused me to play small in my life. I got the opportunity to see the power in taking responsibility as opposed to blaming others and trying to change them. Since I received the training through Transformational Mind Dynamics, I cannot unsee what I’ve seen. If I choose to avoid responsibility, that’s on me and nobody else. I have the power to choose and create my life through 100% accountability. I am now a top performer in my company and in a job role that I used to watch other people do and resent them for it. I have created boundaries and externalized my truth to those in my life and have been able to create meaningful and intentional relationships in my life. As I’ve taken responsibility for my insecurities of needing to be liked and gone about life in a way that may put my need at risk, I have created much greater opportunities and experiences that have given me a life greater than I could’ve imagined before Transformational Mind Dynamics. 

Carly A.  

Paul K

Back in March 2021, I found myself at my lowest point. It had been 10 years since my deployment to Afghanistan and 7 years since I got sober. On the surface, I was a successful recovering addict and disabled combat vet with a degree and working my dream job as a therapist. But I felt dead inside. Stuck. I was still on methadone with no end date in sight. For more than 20 days a month, I suffered from migraines or migraine-related pain. I was isolated and alone. Scared and stuck. I had had enough and planned to kill myself by May 2022 if I was not “better.” A week after making my suicide plan, I got a call from Peter Lotterhos and began my transformational work in Transformational Mind Dynmanics. Since that phone call, I have created a life I never believed possible. I am in my first healthy relationship in years; I started a new career where I am driven by my passion for others, I am no longer on methadone, I am a part of a strong community, and I have no migraines! I live with integrity by making and managing agreements, and I take responsibility for my life and my results.

Paul K.

Shirley B

When I am a powerful, present human being, I speak, listen, and perceive beyond my emotional triggers. I inquire; I seek to understand. In this, I am open, gentle, loving, and accepting vs. personalizing, defending, reacting, and rejecting. I am the source for transformation. I am ‘being’ a transformative human being. – Shirley B., LCSW